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Meet The Cast

Darth PapaBear - The Host With The Least., the man with the face for radio and voice for silent film.
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Commander Daz Boot - The Co-Host and leading officer for Darth PapaBear's Stormtrooper squad.
B3-4R - The Band Leader, Little Bear. Beeping and Booping through the music catalag.

M1-KY - The Mouse Droid, Mickey. Delivering the viewer mail.
TK-8675 and Tk-309yine - The two Stormtroopers in Darth PapaBear's 0000 Squad. Currently on assignment patrolling the planet.

Intern Ben - Darth PapaBear's Emo nephew who doesn't like anything and just thinks he's an old man.

Elias FakeyNamey - AKA Alias Fakename. He's the sports reporter for Galactic Brink, pretty much just talking about professional wrestling.
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